Hi there!



I’m Zoë, a California-native living in Toulouse, France with a passion for art, adventure and making beautiful things.

I’ve always been a maker and adventurer.

Soon after getting my BA in Studio Art, I moved to the UK, where I met my husband. Our love story took us on a little whirlwind adventure to Cambodia, where we lived and worked for the following four years. We were smitten with the beautiful country, enjoying our simple way of life, tropical getaways, and the purest and kindest people. We then went back to the UK and I spent 2 years teaching art to 100+ students including both adults and children. I adore sharing my knowledge with others and getting to do what I love all day long!

I am most inspired by natural forms, color and travel.

We now live in southern France where our little family of 4 is soaking up all the french culture and sunshine. I've been taking a bit of a break from actively making art lately, as I've been busy raising our two young children. I'm still finding ways to keep my creativity alive, whether it's art with a 2 year old or doodling during nap times. I'm looking forward to getting back into my art practice when the time is right, but for now, I'm enjoying this precious time with my family!

Thanks for being here xo



In no order, things that make me swoon: flowers dancing in the wind, surprising colors in nature, crystal clear seas, wild purple sunsets, layers of mountains in the distance, dappled sunlight falling through trees, fuzzy bumblebees drunk on flowers, ceramic glazes blending in harmony, visiting beautiful new places.